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Yes, in fact app's essential features are free with ads. However, for a small fee you can remove the ads and enable advanced features.
If you are using Windows PC or Mac, install VMR Connect on your computer and open the mobile app on your device, it will detect your computer automatically. If the app fails to detect your computer, ensure VMR Connect is running on your computer then - Make sure VMR Connect & VLC are not blocked by your computer's Firewall or Anti-Virus - Try reinstalling the VLC Mobile Remote app on your phone & VMR Connect on your computer If the app still fails to detect your computer, take a screenshot of VMR Connect settings and mail it to us, we'll help you out For Linux users. After you set up VLC as shown in the Setup Wizard, the app should connect to VLC on your PC. If it fails to connect, there may be one or more reasons, to figure out the issue, try the below steps one by one: - Start VLC on your PC and make sure that you're using the latest version and also ensure that you have set it up as shown in the app. - Open any browser on your PC (Chrome, Firefox or any) then go to http://localhost:8080 and press enter, the browser prompts you to log in, just use the password you set up on VLC in the password field, leave the username field empty to login. You'll be able to control VLC from the browser but if you get an error on the browser, either you haven't set up the VLC or port 8080 is on your PC is used by another application. Try setting custom port and see does it works ( VLC - > Tools -> Preferences -> All -> Input/Codec -> HTTP Server port -> Change it to (9090)). However, if you could control VLC from the browser, but not from the app. - Do the same test given above, but instead of using http://localhost:8080 on your browser, use http://YourComputerIPAddress:8080 (instructions to get IPAddress). If the browser fails to connect to VLC, then Firewall or Anti-Virus on your computer may be blocking the connection or your computer is on a public network.. Try the above IPAddress test by, - disabling Windows Firewall or Anti-Virus on your PC. - change the connected Wifi network to private.
VLC has issues with playing some YouTube videos, follow these instructions to fix it.
No. Our App does not sync In-App Purchases between different OS platforms. To restore the purchases between OS platforms, the user has to create an account with our app, which is not the scope of this app and not necessary at this stage of the app, hence it's not possible to restore purchases between OS platforms.
No, not yet.
Yes. If you're using the app on the same phone which is also being used as a hotspot for your computer, the app prompts you to enable WiFi, just tap 'Cancel' on that prompt, then the app will detect your computer and you can use the app.
If you're using Android, on your secondary devices use the same Google account which you used for purchasing the paid features, then install the app from the Play Store. Afterwards, when you open the app, paid features will be activated on that device. For iOS, on your secondary devices use the same Apple ID which you used for purchasing the paid features, then install the app from App Store, Open the app, go to Unlock Features screen and tap the 'Restore' button at the bottom, That's it.
All the phone companies preventing apps to run in the background to improve the battery draining issue in their phones. This is why our app's widget and notifications are not working on some devices. If you're facing this issue, you can enable our app to run in the background, which will make widgets and notifications work again. For instructions go to dontkillmyapp.com and select your phone's company, it will show how to enable any app to run in the background. Follow those instructions and enable our app to run in the background.